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Stages of Formation

Stages of Formation to become a Rosarian Sister

In every age there have been men and women who, obedient to the Father’s call and to the prompting of the Spirit, have chosen this special way of following Christ, in order to devote themselves to him with an “undivided” heart. Like the Apostles, they too have left everything behind in order to be with Christ and to put themselves, as he did, at the service of God and their brothers and sisters. –Vita Consecrata #1#


1. Inquiry:

The young woman  makes initial contact with the community, either in person or by phone, letter, e-mail, or the website. The candidate speaks with the Vocation Director.

2. Aspirancy:

A young woman’s discern-ment with the community begins with a 12-month aspirancy. If the time of aspirancy leads the young woman and the formation directors to believe that she has a potential call to this community, she is then admitted to postulancy.

3. Postulancy:

After a simple entrance ceremony in which a uniform is given to the postulant, she begins a year of immersion into the life of her new religious family. The postulant receives the guidance of the Director of Postulants, who guides her to grow in virtue and self-knowledge.

4. Novitiate:

At the end of postulancy, the postulant receives the Rosarian habit with a white veil and a religious name. As a novice, she enters into a period of theological, philosophical, ascetical and spiritual formation under the guidance of the Director of Novices. At the end of the two years, the sister takes the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience for one year.

5. Years of Initial Profession:

At First Profession, the sister exchanges her white veil for a black one, symbolic of conversion, penance, and consecration to God. She continues her formation in the theology of consecration, of mission, and of the ecclesial dimension of religious life.

6. Perpetual Profession

After a minimum of six years in vows, the sister makes her perpetual profession; she promises for life to live in chastity, poverty and obedience, according to the Constitutions of the Daughters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.