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Finishing Life


“In retrospect, look to the future, Fullness Present.”

Each time travel ocean life, everyone will undergo less change in their lives. Many of these changes can be of great food, a job, or a place in medical depression. And any changes are affecting life happy or anxious in the present moment in the life of every person. For me personally, each a change, transformation, is a time “look to the past, look to the future and Fullness Present.” In this way I have the answer to life now – life safety fun and perfect the present moment.

Again I was transferred, abandoned places you know, dear, to go to foreign shores. A person whose job is now like a “warrior’s loss must hang for” abandon the field. Looking back on my day sortie chain around the mission, my soul so swiftly expressed gratitude to God incentives during the past days. God’s grace is always constant monitoring helped lift took me through many hands of those around them. The lessons of success and failure on the road of life, God has used to help me a more mature vocations in St.-constitutional. And God broaden my eyes of faith to keep the faith in him. I have gone through many difficulties and challenges but always experience the companionship, the presence of God. He never left me alone operating unit.

Look to the future. The future is a gloomy place far from any one knows but God. But in Christ, I still look to the future. As the Jews in the desert 40 years, they keep talking about the future of the promised land full of milk and honey. Untold hardship, they have successfully carried into the land God promised. Like all pilgrims spent thousands of hard always heavenly homeland. Eternal homeland as a reward from God for the faithful soul in him. God has a great program, good for my life. I believe so. Because He loves me. For he is my father. Where I was sent to Lord programs available housing and work for me. For my part, I firmly believe that just hit the road and perfect life now.

Current prolific, live happily present moment. The future is in God and entrust everything in His hands. I just have hours of today; so I take every time God gives this moment to complete life with people and circumstances around in a state of harmony and peace. Abundant life radically the present moment, my heart joyful, peaceful and relaxed. And then God will gradually open up for me to know his intentions and programs for my life. My future he has to be prepared. I just believe in God and live happily in the fullness of the present moment.

Sr. Snow-Down, FMSR

About DongManCoiChiHoa

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